Firstly, a quick update from my hospital visit on Friday. I had my blood test as usual. The results show that my blood counts have gone down a bit because my body is now trying to recover and produce more blood cells. It might take a few days to get up to speed which means that I might not get out of hospital over the next week, I'll just have to see what the blood counts are like. I'm also getting some headaches as a side-effect of the ATRA treatment, this is fairly common but doesn't help when they hit about 6.00pm when I'm doing Amber's homework with her ~:-|
Charlie picked me up from Hospital about 3.00pm and we did a little shopping at Toys'R'Us – can't tell you what, it's a big secret until Megan opens her presents tomorrow!
I did promise to tell you the name of the next book I was reading…and there is a story to it… A couple of nights ago a secret package came through the door…it was around 11pm (I think)…it was bundled through the letterbox and the courier fled into the night…very mysterious… (please excuse my over use of … for dramatic tension!).
A copy of "A Gathering Light" by Jennifer Donnelly, which was on my Amazon wish list, had been popped through with a card – thanks very much Andrea. I'm now about half way through and can't put it down.
Today was Megan's big party. We had a lot of help from Charlie's Mum, Mary, who did the party food and my Mum, who did the jelly and cake. Megan's friends arrived about 2.00pm and some of the Mums that I know came in as well. Charlie took all the kids upstairs, to Amber and Megan's room, for party games and I stayed downstairs and had a great time drinking tea and catching up with the Mums. I only heard the occasional bump and scream from upstairs – but that was mostly Charlie 😉
The children were all fantastically well behaved and I think they all had a really good time. We were tidied up in next to no time after (the joy of paper plates and cups). Megan received so many fantastic presents that I'm now planning a little clear out of her bedroom while she's at church tomorrow. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, Megan is going to love her present and I can't wait to help her open it! Love V 😮