What a night I had at the Evening Express Champions awards bash. Charlie surprised me with a brilliant PINK limo to take us to the exhibition centre and there was a bottle of champagne to boot! We had a fantastic meal and I got to meet Cameron Stout! (see pic). I didn't win but then I never expected to – it was just a great night out! I've been non-stop ever since (nothing to do with Cameron though :-).
I have now officially finished my chemo and next week I will have my hickman line removed….yeeehaaaa! I've had this tube in my chest for ages and it has been a real pain lately. The boys keep grabbing it and I have to flush it with fluid each night. And it just keeps getting in the way. I am soooo pleased that it is going. My last set of bone marrow results are back and I am still in remission which is another boost.